Welcome Global Settings Layout - All Pages Post Page Layout Post Sidebar Post Media Block
Header Outline Sidebar Outline Block Inner Sidebar
Colors Fonts Buttons Comments Pagination
Lessons Section Categories Section
Mobile Icons
Categories Page Category Page Announcements Page
Encore Sections Dynamic Sections Custom Code Custom CSS


Menu Items
Set the language for your header by accessing the Header section from the Section List or by clicking on the header in the Preview Pane. 
Define your Dashboard, Categories, Announcements and Library Text. 
Leave these fields empty to hide the corresponding menu items. 
Toggle the Show Icons option to display or hide the icons next to each menu item.

Customize the search box placeholder text using the Search Text option. 
Toggle the “Hide Search” option to show or hide the search box. 
These settings apply to both the desktop header and the mobile menu.

Additional Links
Add extra menu items to your header by selecting a pre-existing Links List. 
Unless the “Hide On Mobile” option is selected, these menu items will appear in both the desktop header and the mobile menu.

Resume Button
By default, a Resume Course button appears on the mobile top bar. 
Toggle the Show Button option to display or hide this button. You can repurpose it as a general Call To Action button by checking the Use Custom Link option and configuring the link action accordingly.