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Categories Section

Categories sections allow users to display all the course categories in a slider, grid, or list format.

Section heading text

Select the layout and look of the section:
Slider layouts: Animated slider. Single row of items. Use the Slider options below to control the slider behavior.
Grid Layouts: Display your lessons in a multi-row grid layout.
List Layouts: Display each lesson on its own row.

Hide Locked Categories
Un-check to include locked categories in the list of categories. 
Locked categories will be grayed out with a lock icon overlay over the image. 
Unlike other categories, locked categories do not link to anywhere.

Hide Pending Drip
Un-check to include drip pending categories in the list of categories. 
Drip pending categories will be grayed out with a lock icon overlay over the image. Unlike other categories, drip pending categories do not link to anywhere.

Number of Columns
Set the number of columns to display on desktop, tablet, and mobile. 
Works on both Sliders and Grids, but not on List Layouts. 
Space between slides option works only when Sliders layout is selected.

Lesson Fields
Control the fields to display for each lesson. Toggle the Image, Title, Body, Lessons Count, or set the text language.

Hide Completion Bar: Toggle this option to show or hide the completion information and the bar displayed at the bottom of each category.
Hide Overlay Icon: Toggle this option to show or hide the overlay and the check icon over completed categories.