Block Level Settings
Set as Granted – Check this to preview the badge in its granted form. This will only be reflected in your page builder, not visible to students.
Offer – The Offer setting is required. The badge will only be granted to students who "own" the offer. In your Kajabi account, create a ghost offer and use Kajabi's automation to grant it at the end of a lesson. Learn More
Lesson – The Lesson setting is optional. Adding a lesson’s Title or ID will ensure the “Badge-Granted Popup” appears as soon as the lesson’s video playback is completed. Learn More
Badge Text – Optional text to display beneath the badge.
Badge Image – Upload any image or icon.
Image Width – Set a specific size for an individual badge. Leave blank in most cases. Accepted values are in pixels or percentage (e.g., 200px or 90%).
Adjust Position – Add spacing around an individual badge. Leave blank in most cases; use when the icon doesn't appear centered.
Notification Popup Settings (Badge-Granted Popup)