Hide Sections / Blocks on mobile
Show or hide any section or block on mobile or desktop by toggling the block’s “Mobile Layout” -> “Hide” option or the “Desktop Layout” -> “Hide” option.
Check the “Mobile Layout” -> “Hide” option to hide the block on mobile.
Check the “Desktop Layout” -> “Hide” option to hide the block on desktop.
Mobile menu:
On mobile devices, instead of the standard desktop header, a mobile top bar will appear at the top of the page.
The top bar includes a menu icon and a Call To Action (CTA) button, which is set as a “resume course” button by default.
To control the button settings, open up your Header Section settings and notice the Resume Button (Mobile) options.
Clicking the menu icon will reveal the Mobile Menu.
To control the menu content and add or remove blocks, open up your Outline Sidebar Section settings.
Show or hide a specific block from the mobile menu or the outline sidebar, by toggling the block’s “Mobile Layout” -> “Hide” option or the “Desktop Layout” -> “Hide”.
Check the “Mobile Layout” -> “Hide” option and the block will appear on the outline sidebar on desktop but will not show up on the mobile menu.
Check the “Desktop Layout” -> “Hide” option and the block will appear on the mobile menu but will not show up on the outline sidebar on desktop.
Tabs and search:
The Mobile menu tabs, search, and additional link settings are shared with the Header section settings.