Control the look and behavior of your outline.
Hide on Post Page
Toggle the option show or hide the block on the Post Page.
Show Posts
When unchecked the outline will show only the course categories and not the posts(lessons) within each category.
Collapse On Load
Select your desired categories collapse behavior:
Collapse All But Active: On page load all categories beside the category of the currently active post, will be collapsed. This is the default option.
Collapse All: On page load all categories will be collapsed
Collapse None: On page load Non of categories, will be collapsed
Icon Style / Progress
Set the style of your outline items.
Select progress bar, background or one of the Todo list styles.
Post Type / Duration Postion
Hide or choose the position of the post info (type or duration)
Some Icon style works better when the option is set to Below and others when set to right.
Mark Complete after (percent)
Consider the post as completed after the user watched more than X percent of the video.
By default, Kajabi considers a lesson as completed only when a user has completed watching 100% of the video, this option overwrites this behavior.